[[Stick Guy, holding a newspaper, walks up to Black Hat, who is sitting at a desk and facing the other way.]]
SG: Ever heard of the trolley problem?
BH: No. What is it?
[[Close up on Stick Guy.]]
SG: A trolley is barreling towards five helpless people on the tracks. You can pull a lever to direct it onto another track, but-
[[Black Hat turns his wheelie desk chair to face Stick Guy.]]
BH: Can I reach the lever without getting up?
SG: Wait, I'm not-
BH: In this scenario, how busy am I?
[[Stick Guy and Black Hat facing each other.]]
SG: I guess I forgot who I was talking to.
BH: For a dollar, I'll promise to pull the lever if one of the five people is you.
{{Title text: For $5 I promise not to orchestrate this situation, and for $25 I promise not to take further advantage of this ability to create incentives.}}
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