Magic Tree
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[[Beret guy excitedly points to a pillar about a meter across. There's a sign on the side. Beret guy is pointing it out to his friend, Fancy Haircut]]
Beret: Check it out! I threw my magic beans on the ground here yesterday, and this big tree appeared!
[[Now in silhouette we see the pillar is several hundred feet tall, covered in antennae, and the figures are as ants in its shadow.]]
haircut: that's a cell tower.
beret: no way-- it has branches! See? I'm gonna climb it!
[[Beret guy begins to shimmy up the side of the pole. Somehow. With impressively powerful thighs I guess.]]
haircut: No, they just put those there to make it look-- ...never mind.
haircut: Why do I have no signal?
beret, with an axe: there were scary giants with yellow helmets in that tree! luckily, I cut it down before they ate me.
{{Title text: Since people rarely try to cut down cell phone towers, after millions of years, as cell phone towers have gotten more treelike, trees have started growing fake cell phone tower attachments and shiny gray bark to protect themselves. This is a standard textbook example of convergent evolution.}}