[[Someone stands at a podium with the NASA logo on it, speaking.]]
Spokesperson: That concludes the press conference. Any questions? - Yes, you, from... it just says "The News"?
[[With a crowd of nondescript people behind him, White Beret speaks into a microphone.]]
WB: Hi! I have a microphone so I'm real loud now. - How does this Mars data compare to data from other fields? Like medicine? Or sports?
[[The spokesperson responds from out of panel, we still see White Beret with the microphone.]]
Spokesperson: That question makes no sense.
WB: If there's water on Mars, is it ruined? - Or will it be okay when it dries out?
Spokesperson: Any
[[A far side-view of spokesperson at the podium facing a crowd of various people, including White Beret.]]
WB: What were those guys hassling Luke in the Mos Eisley cantina trying to accomplish? I felt like I was supposed to understand that.
Spokesperson: Anyone
Other person: That's now my question, too.
Another person: Were they just picking a fight?
Other person: If so, why did...
{{Title text: Why are we spending billions to ruin Mars with swarms of robots when Elon Musk has promised to ruin Mars for a FRACTION of the cost?}}
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