[[Black Hat Guy gestures at a person in a car in front of him, indicating they should drive behind him.]]
BHG: Just pull onto the receiving platform.
Driver: Cool - I've always wanted to try one of these futuristic robotic garages.
[[The car is on the receiving platform, and the driver walks away from it, towards BHG.]]
[[As they watch, a giant robotic arm lifts the car by its hood.]]
Driver: Um.
[[The arm turns around and holds the car over a giant bin marked 'CARS'.]]
[[The arm lets go, dropping the car into the bin.]]
[[BHG and the driver are standing next to the receiving platform.]]
BHG: We'll dump out the bin when you get back and you can pick out your car from the pile.
Driver: Can you at least make sure it's not on the bottom?
BHG: Look, robots aren't magic.
{{Title text: But listen, if getting your car out from under the pile is REALLY important to you, we do have an axe you can borrow.}}
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