A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Special 10th anniversary edition of WHAT IF?—revised and annotated with brand-new illustrations and answers to important questions you never thought to ask—coming from November 2024. Preorder here!
[[White Hat Man talks to Stick Figure Guy.]]
WH: Well, you know, people are stupid.
SF: *sigh*
[[The continue to face each other and converse.]]
SF: No, people aren't stupid. On average, people are of average intelligence. When you say "people are stupid," you mean stupid compared to
[[A close-up on Stick Figure.]]
SF: What you're really saying is "other people aren't as smart as
. - And maybe you're right! In which case
I'd like to bestow upon you the First Annual AWARD for EXCELLENCE in BEING VERY SMART.
[[Stick Figure presents White Hat with a trophy as confetti rains down.]]
May you continue to grace our internet with your wisdom.
{{Title text: To everyone who responds to everything by saying they've 'lost their faith in humanity': Thanks--I'll let humanity know. I'm sure they'll be crushed.}}
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