[[A timeline runs across the top with notches at 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, and 2030. Below it, a shaded box that reads 'Regular Watches' runs from the far left to about 2003. Another shaded box, from about 2015 to the far right, reads 'Smart Watches'. An arrow points to the blank space between them.]]
Brief, glorious period in which our wrists were free
{{Title text: Old people used to write obnoxious thinkpieces about how people these days always wear watches and are slaves to the clock, but now they've switched to writing thinkpieces about how kids these days don't appreciate the benefits of an old-fashioned watch. My position is: The word 'thinkpiece' sounds like a word made up by someone who didn't know about the word 'brain'.}}
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